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Undergraduate program

1. Curriculum structure for the undergraduate program


The curricular framework for the undergraduate program in the Department of Oceanography consists of the following five categories:

(1) core competency courses (required courses),

(2) marine biology courses,

(3) marine chemistry courses,

(4) marine geology courses, and

(5) physical oceanography courses.

Diagram of the curriculum structure for the undergraduate program



2. Instructions on the proportion of required and elective courses (applicable to students admitted in the 2018-2019 academic year and after)


1) The Department of Oceanography offers interdisciplinary education. In addition to general education courses offered by the university, every student must complete a minimum of 38 required course credits for the core competencies. Students are required to choose two from the four professional categories, one as major and the other as minor, when taking elective courses. Every student must complete a minimum of 21 and 9 course credits, respectively, for the major and minor categories. Every student is required to complete at least 39 elective course credits and must earn at least 128 course credits totally to graduate.


2) When a co-requisite laboratory/practicum course is required for a main course by the Department of Oceanography, the laboratory/practicum course credits are counted toward graduation credits only if a student passes the main course.


3) The university requires every student to complete at least 28 general education course credits (excluding the four credits for Sports & Health and NSYSU General Education Lecture). The 28 credits in general education courses and the 38 required course credits for core competencies comprise 51.56% of the minimum graduation credits.


4) The core required courses of the College of Marine Sciences are “Basic Marine Sciences” and “Applied Marine Sciences” in the first and second semesters of the first year of study, respectively. Students who have completed “Ocean System Sciences (I)” and “Ocean System Sciences (II)”—two required courses for students admitted prior to the 2018-2019 academic year—can be exempted from taking “Basic Marine Sciences,” but are still required to take the course “Applied Marine Sciences” (as per a resolution passed at the second meeting of the College of Marine Sciences Curriculum Committee in the first semester of the 2017–2018 academic year).