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Meng-Hsien CHEN 

Meng-Hsien Chen, Professor

(Ph.D., King's College, London)



Telephone886-7-5252000 ext. 5028

www: Aquatic Ecotoxicology Lab

Expertiseaquatic ecotoxicology, Ecology of fishes, marine ecology

Research interestsHeavy metal pollution, Dolphin & tuna ecology, Ecology of trawling organisms

Recent research projects:

1. 台灣西南部沿岸婆羅門赤對蝦類棲地向北擴張之研究(111-2611-M-006)

2. 台灣西部沿海蝦類群聚的十年更迭(I)-(Ⅲ)(109-2611-M-110-006,110-2611-M-110-016)

3. 台江國家公園之永續發展-台江國家公園之永續發展(總計畫)(I-II(108-2621-M-110-003,109-2621-M-110-002,110-2621-M-110-001,111-2621-M-110-002)

4. 109/110年離岸風電場生態保育環境監測研究-底棲環境改變對海洋生態之潛在影響/彰化風場(NAMR109014, NAMR110010)

Selected recent publications:

1.   Chen, Meng-Hsien*, Chien-Cheng Lai, Tzn-Chun Chen, Chuan-Wen Ho, Pei-Jie Meng, Tsang-Hsieh Hung*, Kuo-Shu Chen & Chih-Wei Chang (2022, Oct.). Seasonal variation in the trawling marine organism community at the Changyun Rise off central western Taiwan in spring to autumn 2020. Marine Research, Doi:10.29677/MR.202212_2(2).0002.

2.   Chen, Kuo-Shu, Hsu-Sen Chen, Chiee-Young Chen, Yan-Lin Su, Pei-Jie Meng & Meng-Hsien Chen* (2021, Dec.). Multivariate analysis of spatial species diversity of demersal fish assemblages in relation to habitat characteristics in a subtropical national park, Taiwan. Marine Biodiversity, (2022) 52:4. https:/doi.org/10.1007/s12526-021-01225-5 (in press).

3.   Chen, Hsu-Sen, Kuo-Chen Chen, Chiee-Young Chen, Chin-Chang Hung, Pei-Jie Meng, Meng-Hsien Chen* (2021, Apr). Spatiotemporal distribution of shrimp assemblages in the western coastal waters off Taiwan at the Tropic of Cancer, Western Pacific Ocean. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 255 (2021) 107356.

4.   Lin, Chien-Hsiang, Jing-Siang Lin, Kuo-Shu Chen, Meng-Hsien Chen, Chiee-Young Chen & Chih-Wei Chang (2020, Nov). Feeding habits of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) in the western Indian Ocean reveal a size-related shift in its fine scale piscivorous diet. Frontiers in Marine Science 7:582571. https//doi:10.3389/fmars. 2020.682571.

5.   Chen, Meng-Hsien*, Yu-Ting Lin, Chien-Cheng Lai, Lien-Siang Chou & Chiee-Young Chen (2020). Tissue concentrations of, Fe, Zn, Cu and Mn of four Taiwanese toothed. Marine Pollution Bulletin 158 (2020) 111094. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.111094

6.   Chao, Ning Labbish, Chih-Wei Chang, Meng-Hsien Chen, Chang-Chang Guo, Bai-An Lin, You-Yu Liou, Kang-Ning Shen & Min Liu (2019). Johnius taiwanensis, a new species of Sciaenidae from the Taiwan Strait, with a key to Johnius species from Chinese waters. Zootaxa 4651(2), 259-270. https:/doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4651.2.3

7.   Chen, Chiee-Young, Yan-Ting Chen, Kuo-Shu Chen, Chien-Chung Hsu, Li-Lian Liu, Hsu-Sen Chen & Meng-Hsien Chen* (2018). Arsenic and five metal concentrations in the muscle tissue of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. Marine Pollution Bulletin 129(1), 186-193.

8.   Chen, Meng-Hsien*, Ming-Feng Zhuang, Lien-Siang Chou, Jean-Yi Liu, Chieh-Chih Shih & Chiee-Young Chen (2017). Tissue concentrations of four Taiwanese toothed cetaceans indicating the silver and cadmium pollution in the western Pacific Ocean. Marine Pollution Bulletin 124(2), 993-1000.

9.  陳姿君、陳國書、陳煦森、陳志遠、陳孟仙*202212月)。台江國家公園海域底棲蟹類的多樣性。國家公園學報32(2)42–52

10. 陳煦森、陳國書、陳志遠、陳孟仙*202112月)。台江國家公園海域底棲蝦類組成與空間分布。國家公園學報,31(2):1-14 (2021年國家公園學報優秀論文獎)。內政部營建署:PG10801-0040。本人為通訊作者。

11. 陳國書、陳煦森、陳志遠、蘇彥霖、陳孟仙*202012月)。台江國家公園海域底棲魚類相與環境分析。國家公園學報,30, 42-59。內政部營建署:PG10801-0040

12.  陳孟仙*、徐軒耀、陳煦森、賴建成、吳欣儒、陳志遠(202012月)。蝦拖網和板拖網底棲魚類調查之比較。海洋及水下科技季刊,30(4), 15-22科技部:95-2611-M-110-007

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