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Lecture: The ocean has been acidified! What the marine calcifying organisms can do?—A perspective from isotope geochemistry(2023/03/22 MA 3021 )

海科系下周研究生專題課程將邀請 劉怡偉博士蒞校 進行演講, 歡迎前來參加,謝謝。

研究生專題課程 -邀請外賓演講
Date: 2023.3.22 (Wed)
Time: 14:10~16:00
Location: 海科院演講廳 (海MA 3021)
Speaker: 劉怡偉 助研究員 Dr. Yi-Wei Liu
Affiliation: 中央研究院地球科學研究所 Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica
Title: The ocean has been acidified! What the marine calcifying organisms can do?—A perspective from isotope geochemistry
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